Sunday, September 4, 2011

[Just Musing...] Deep Enough

Lazy summer afternoon. Screened in porch and nothin' to do. I just kicked off my tennis shoes. I'm slouchin' in a plastic chair and rakin' my fingers through my hair. I close my eyes and leave them there. I yawn, and sigh, and slowly fade away...
Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors I have never seen. Deep enough to join a billion people for a wedding feast. Deep enough to reach out and touch the face of the One who made me. Oh, the love I feel and oh, the peace! Do I ever have to wake up?
I'm awakened by a familiar sound; a clumsy fly is buzzing around. He bumps the screen and he tumbles down. He gathers about his wits and pride and tries again for the hundredth time 'cause freedom calls from the other side. And I smile, and nod, and slowly drift away...
Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors I have never seen. Deep enough to join a billion people for a wedding feast. Deep enough to reach out and touch the face of the One who made me. Oh, the love I feel and oh, the peace!
Do I ever have to wake up? 'Cause peace is pouring over my soul. See the lambs and the lions playin'. I join in and drink the music. Holiness is the air I'm breathing! My faithful heroes break the bread and answer all of my questions. Not to mention what the streets are made of! My heart's held hostage by this love and these briliant colors I have never seen! I join a billion people in the wedding feast! I reach out and touch the face of the One who made me!!
Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors I have never seen. Deep enough to join a billion people for a wedding feast. Deep enough to reach out and touch the face of the One who made me. Oh, the love I feel and oh, the peace! Do I ever have to wake up?
Do I ever have to wake up?
Do I really have to wake up now?

Now, sadly, I did not write the above. It's a song by Chris Rice called Deep Enough To Dream. I just listened to it for the first time and feel in love with it. I mean, I had heard the song before. Even knew some of the words. But never before have I really listened to the words and the message in it. Oh, Lord. How I long for that wedding feast!! Not to mention Your face and presence!! I'd love to just sleep away and dream deep enough...
Deep enough to feel His presence all around me.
Deep enough to kneel before my King.
Deep enough to praise Him night and day.
Deep enough to learn and talk with the ultimate Teacher.
Do I ever have to wake up?

Monday, July 18, 2011

[Review] Magyk, Angie Sage

Plot --- Septimus Heap is the seventh son of a seventh son. He has great magykal powers. That is, he would have, if he hadn't been pronounced dead at birth and stolen by the midwife.
As his son is being born, pronounced dead and stolen, Silas Heap is walking home when he sees a baby girl lying in the snow. Not wanting to leave her there, he brings her home. After finding out about the misfortune that had befallen his own son, Silas and his wife agree to raise the girl as their own.
That same night, an assassin kills the Queen and the Supreme Custodian takes over...
Ten years later, Marcia Overstrand, ExtraOrdinary wizard tells the Heap family that Jenna is actually the lost Queenling, heir to the throne.
With DomDaniel wanting to kill her so he may take over the throne, Jenna must leave the only home she has ever known in order to seek safety at Aunt Zelda's.
But, of course, nothing can ever go as planned when Heaps are involved...

Why I picked it up --- Just look that that cover. Why would I not pick it up!?!

What I liked about it --- Um, most everything? xD It was exciting with very little slow parts. I always enjoy books with histories of their own, especially as those histories are revealed to you over time. I like that feeling that you know there is so much more that hasn't been told to you. You don't need this information to follow the story, but you know it's there.
Also, the alternate spellings amused me. Don't be surprised when you see words such as magyk, flyte, darke and darkeness. Magykal words are spelled phonetically... I like that. It makes much more sense than stupid English. xD

What I didn't like about it --- Well, the first time I picked it up, I quickly became irritated because the writing seemed so... simple and young. But I recently picked it up again, and it didn't bother me as much (this might be due to the fact that I had just stopped reading Dragons: The Essential Ties...). I actually came to enjoy the writing style because it really does fit the book well.

Recommendation --- I will definitely recommend this book to everyone.
I only caution against it if you're one of those people who are really picky about their books and the writing styles of them. If you for some reason hate childish things or writing, then this book may not be for you. Though I can't understand why anyone hates childish things.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find the rest of the series.
All praises to the King!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[Sample] Let It Go?

She kneels, is knighted, and receives her sword with glee. She is ready. She is ready to go out and fight the enemy. To her dying breath if it may be.
So, she goes out. Ready for anything. Her first opponent comes along. They are evenly matched, but she defeats him. She is happy. Proud she could bring her Lord glory.
Some time later, the next comes along, stronger than the last. But she is stronger as well.
As she goes on, this pattern continues for some weeks. Months.
All this time, she is surrounded by a hedge of stronger, older, more experienced warriors, ensuring that no more than she can handle reach her.
As time goes on, she and her friends fight together. Even some of her elders join in the battle by her side. All is well. The work is grueling, but she bears it well. In fact, she is happy to do so.
Then suddenly, she is overwhelmed. More enemies than she has ever seen come rushing at her. She fights for all she is worth. And she is surviving. Her comrades are there as well, but there are too many. She may fight beside them for a moment or two, but she is soon alone again. Or so it seems to her.
The hedge of warriors move closer, but they only watch. They are forbidden to help. Unless…
More and more attack her. For every one she defeats, another takes his place a moment later. Her breathing room, the space free of the enemies, grows smaller and smaller until she is surrounded on all sides by her adversaries.
Her friends see her plight, but they can’t reach her. They try to advise her, but she is unsure how to put the advice to use.
She is struck down. She lands painfully on her knees and cries out as the enemies’ blows rain down upon her. Quickly, she raises her guard, but can do little more than fend them off.
Her elders begin to tell her to—to drop her sword?! It seems so counter intuitive! But they know better than she. She tries to follow their advice, but every time she begins to lower her guard, instincts take over and she raises her sword to block the never ending blows.
She looks now to the strong warriors. She asks, begs, pleads with them to help her. They look on sympathetically, but cannot help. Unless…
The rest of her friends take up the cry that she drop her sword. She assures them that she is trying. And she is. But she can’t seem to loose the iron grip she has on the precious sword.
She is knocked down again. She hasn’t even enough strength to block. The blows rain down relentlessly on her prone body. But she maintains the iron grip.
Her cries for help are met with orders to let go. She tries with everything she has, but she can’t seem to make her fingers work.
Finally, she gives up. She lies in the dirt and makes no effort to move. No effort to block. No effort to live. She hasn’t strength to cry out at this point.
Then, her fingers open, and the sword slides free.
The second the metal breaks contact with her fingertips, the warriors surge forward. They, so skilled, so strong, take out the entire hoard in a matter of moments. Suddenly, she can breathe again. Her strength returns to her, slowly. She looks around, bewildered, into the faces of her friends, her elders, and yes, even the warriors. They help her to her feet. One of the warriors retrieves and returns her sword to her.
“But I don’t understand. Am I to hold it or let it go?”
“You are to do both.”
As little sense it made, it also made perfect sense. Yet, she would be hard pressed to explain it should someone ask.
Her strength has returned to her and she wants to move forward once again.
She remembers her promise. Her promise to serve her King to her dying day.
Now, she does move forward again, better prepared for the battles yet to come.

[Not sure if I want to explain this or not. Figure out the symbolism for yourself.
Written at about 7 this morning as I tried to go to sleep. It didn't work and I wanted to write this down anyway. Three hours later, and I still can't sleep so I'm posting it.
Sorry, there isn't more. This isn't really a story, just a piece of work.

All praises to the King.]

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[Sample] Free At Last

Ah, the best day of my life. ‘Twas not too long ago, actually. At the beginning of my story, I mentioned the day my voice came back to me.
Well, it began like so many others. Our current master had decided he’d no more use of us and meant to auction us off. To this day, I cannot understand why he put my brother up also. I was weak and David did half of my work to save me from beatings each day. I can understand getting rid of me, but David was an asset. However, I won’t complain and it must’ve been the work of the King that we were there together.


Many buyers passed by us and I could see in their eyes their want for him and distaste for me. But for all their mutterings and glances, none made offers. Our master angered easily and he was not pleased that none had wanted the best that he had for sale. I was sure that a beating would follow that night.
The day was nearing its end, but I had barely noticed its passing. I used to go to some far away place in my mind during those times to escape the constant prodding and poking and mutterings. Many thought that I was simple and it was well that they should. I never spoke and must’ve had clouded, dull eyes. For all intents and purposes, I was simple.
A tightening on my hand brought me back to the present. It was David giving my hand a quick squeeze before being hauled away by a buyer. (A hand squeeze translated into a quickly muttered “I love you” in our language without words.) I stared after him for a few moments before the understanding of what was happening dawned on me. Once it did, I was terrified. David had been able to protect me up until then. All I could think was, How will I survive with out him?
What happened next, I didn’t see, but had told to me. I’ll relay it as best I can from what David has told me.
The man had come up to David and me as had all the others. Unlike the others, he didn’t inspect us, but actually looked at us. He went down to the end of the line and back. He turned to our master and asked the price of David. David’s heart soared and sank at the same time because he heard no mention of me. The man paid, and David was able to quickly squeeze my hand before being unshackled and led off the scaffold.
He glanced back in my direction once or twice when he thought his new master wasn’t looking. On the third glance, he turned forward to see his master looking thoughtfully at him. He quickly ducked his head, both as a sign of submission and a protection from a blow. His master did nothing, however, and walked on.
The wheels in David’s head started turning. In our experience, something like that wouldn’t have gone unmentioned. Slaves were to keep their heads down and not be noticed unless their masters wanted them for something. I would say that he decided to do what he did next, but I’m more inclined to think that his next few actions were preformed on pure impulse.
They had not quite made it out of the market place and there were still quite a few people around even though the day had almost reached a close. Mistake number one. David quickened his pace until he was even with the buyer. Mistake number two. He touched his master’s shoulder to get his attention. Mistake number three, which should have been his last. However, David had a feeling this man was different than the others and could only pray his suspicions were correct.
The man turned to David with an eyebrow raised. David quickly dropped to one knee and locked his gaze on the sand at his feet. “M-my lord,” he began. David had developed an eloquence in his speech that tended to help him out of the sticky situations he naturally got himself into. “I-I know it is not right of me to ask this, but I fear I must, for my heart will not let me go on if I do not. My lord, my sister served here with me. And my lord, she is not well. Many say she is simple. She may not be able to work too hard, but I assure my lord that I can do her share of work and my own plus some, if my lord would only purchase my sister as well. I fear for her safety and my own health if we are to be separated. We have managed to stay together thus far, and I would beg my lord to let us continue together for a while longer. If I cannot live up to what I have promised, I would be glad to endure any punishment that my lord sees fit. But please, give me this chance to try.” David tensed, awaiting the strike he was sure would accompany such an outburst, despite his hopes about this particular man. He had been beaten many a time for speaking out of turn and knew most would not stand for it. When the blow did not come, he looked up questioningly and met the gaze of his master.
Surprisingly, his face betrayed no expressions and his eyes were emotionless. He searched David’s face for a moment. After what seemed like an eternity, he spoke, his voice also void of emotion, save that of maybe intrigue. “She is simple, you say?”
David swallowed. He hadn’t thought past his speech and what he would do if the man agreed to his plea. “So say others, my lord.” In spite of everything, my brother wasn’t about to say that he thought me simple.
“You say otherwise?”
“I—She were not always this way, my lord.”
He nodded once and lifted his gaze to a point past David’s head, in the direction where I was still standing tying not to let my terror and grief show. “She cannot work?”
“Hard labor, my lord. But she can do”—David grimaced—“simple tasks. And as I said, my lord, I can work twice—” The buyer held up his hand and David quickly stopped his ramblings.
He stared a moment more in my direction before seeming to come to a conclusion. “Come, boy.” He began walking back and David scrambled to his feet to follow him.
Only now did David dare look about him. His sweeping gaze found awe in the eyes of the other slaves and distain in those of the slaveholders. He cast his attention forward and focused on the back of the buyer. David has an uncanny ability to asses someone’s character after spending but a few moments with him. However, try as he might, David couldn’t figure this guy out to save his life.
When I noticed David coming back—I had been staring after David ever since he left—I got really confused, but I was still dazed and uncomprehending. I vaguely heard his master offer my master two hundred coins for me. This brought me to my senses. Two hundred? I was barely worth twenty. I wondered what had gotten into this man’s head. Of course, the greedy slime that he was, my master tried to get more, but this man wasn’t completely crazy and stood firm on the price. When he saw he wasn’t going to get more, he jumped on the price before his buyer decided to drop it.
If it wasn’t for David’s gentle smile, I would have been deathly afraid. Unfortunately, his smile only served to increase my confusion. I was practically shoved off the platform. David caught my hand and pulled me into a quick hug, made to look like he just caught me. After we were re-shackled, our master started walking away, so we quickly followed.
There were less people around now, but I still kept my head down. David still held my hand and the chain between us clanked as we walked. I was tempted to ask him what was happening, but I decided against it.
After a few moments of silence, the man asked, “What are your names?”
David glanced at me, lost for words. No one had ever bothered to ask our names. I nodded at him and glanced at the man urgently, telling him to answer the question quickly. He nodded and cleared his throat. “David and Rebecca, m’lord.”
“Simon Dawson.”
David frowned. “W-well met, m’lord.”
Simon nodded once. “You’re not from here. How long since you got here?”
David’s frowned deepened. I felt uneasy as well. How he could figure that out so quickly set my nerves scurrying. Also, Simon actually seemed to care. This should have put us both at ease, but we had been hurt too many times to not be suspicious of everything. And everyone. “A year. Maybe two.”
“Hmmm. Not long then.”
“If I may, it has been an eternity to us, m’lord.”
“Aye, I suppose it would.”
At this point, I tugged on David’s arm to get his attention. I made a few quick gestures indicating Simon and I. David glanced at Simon and then gently shook his head and tapped his wrist.
David. Ask him why he bought me too. Why would he do that?
No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Now is not the time.
By this time we had made it quite a ways out of the market. Thankfully, the day was closing or the trek would have been unbearable in that heat. Then again, we were used to doing the unbearable.
Simon suddenly stopped and turned to us. We both took an involuntary step backwards. I ducked my head lower and scooted slightly behind David, who quickly let go of my hand. Simon reached into his satchel. “I’m sure I’ll probably have to explain a lot to you.” He pulled out a key and took another step towards us. “The true King of this country would be appalled at the thought of slaves within these borders.”
David tensed, unsure of where Simon was going with this. “True King… appalled…?”
Simon took David’s hands in his own and removed the shackles. “So, that is why I do what I can to end this evil practice.” He bent down and undid the shackles at his feet too.
Simon moved David to the side and took my hands as well. “No longer shall you call me or anyone else ‘my lord’ or ‘master’.” As he undid the lock, I began to tremble. I couldn’t believe my eyes or ears. “You shall be your own people once again.” He knelt and removed the chains on my feet. As soon as he took them off, my legs collapsed and I feel to the ground in front of him. I gave him a look of awe and wonder. Simon just smiled and stood there, holding out his hand to help me up.
I stared at his hand, then the empty cuffs in the sand in front of me, and then up at David.
David was staring at his own shaking hands. It freaked me out, seeing him like that. He had always been strong for me, so seeing him as anything but calm and sure only unsettled me more. His voice lost that old-timey accent he had been using whenever to spoke to those from this realm. “This… You’ve got to… You’ve got to be kidding us… If… If this is some kind of… some kind of sick joke… Then… It’s not funny! It’s not…” He broke off, his voice too choked to go on.
Tears streamed down my face. I looked again at Simon. His hand was still outstretched and his smile hadn’t wavered. I now saw wrinkled lines at the corner of his eyes, the kind you see on someone who spent a good deal of his time smiling. His features were soft. I found it hard to believe that his was the same man who had been giving off a cold, uncaring attitude just hours before. I searched his face a moment more, then I reached out and clutched Simon’s outstretched hand. Yet, I didn’t pull myself off the gound.
“Th…” I coughed and tried to clear my throat, my voice low and scratchy from disuse. “Th…ank… Thank … you… Thank you. Thank you.” I broke off into sobs, all the pain of the last year and a half coming out in one big torrent of relief.
David covered his mouth with his hand, tears glistening in his eyes. He knelt next to me and put his arms around me. He spoke between sobs of joy. “She… hasn’t… spoken… since we… were taken. You don’t… understand… what this means…” He took a breath and regained his composure. “Yes. Thank you.” David looked up at Simon. “How could we ever—”
Simon waved the rest of his sentence away. “No. You don’t have to repay me. Don’t thank me either. I only have what I do thanks to the King’s providence and so it is only through Him that I am able to help you. It is He you should thank.”
David frowned, but acquiesced. “Alright then… Where could we find Him?”
“As I said, I have much to explain. If you don’t mind, I believe such an explanation would be better delivered after we are all a bit more rested. I would be glad to open up my home to you.”
David didn’t answer at first. When he did, his accent came back. He chuckled. “We haven’t much of a choice, have we?” He allowed Simon to pull him to his feet and then turned and pulled me up. I leaned heavily on him, because I was so emotionally drained that I felt physically tired as well. And well, I was always tired and leaned on him whenever I could.
Simon must have noticed for he quickly said, “I don’t live much father from here.” He glanced at the sun which had almost set. “We should be able to make it before darkness falls completely.”

From that point, I vaguely remember walking for a while more until we came upon a great house. I believe we were introduced to Simon’s wife and she took me to a room with the softest bed I think I’ve ever slept on…

[Bleh, I don't remember when I wrote this... A year or so ago?
Yay for another piece of a longer story! Um, I'm not sure what all I can explain with this. The part before this was inspired by a roleplay between a friend and I. This part was partly inspired by a scene in The Wyrm Lord by Thomas Wayne Batson.
Oh! And the sign language thingy comes from my mom. <3 We're good at talking to each other with out words.
And... Yup. I'm working on connecting the part where the come into the realm and this part... What happens when they get captured and their years in enslavement is still in the works. x)
Comments and the like are always wanted!
As always,
All praises to the King!]

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[Sample] Out of the Darkness

[Note: No relation to the previous story with Simone and Zeke]

Crystal was mostly unconscious for the few weeks following the attack. There were times when she would temporarily regain consciousness enough to be slightly aware of her surroundings. She would hear voices, but her pain dulled mind could only process the smallest bits of what was said.
            “I don’t know…”
            “… her condition…”
            “… so long…”
            “… not much longer…”
            She spent her time in the darkness that had originally saved her from Nicolae, but now served as her prison. When she heard the voices, she would fight it with all her might, to say something, to move a bit, to just open her eyes! But it was too strong, and she too weak. Then the voices would fade and she would once again be alone in the dark.
            Except one time, Crystal managed to pry open her eyes. At first she still could not see. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a face looking down at her. It took Crystal a moment to realize that she did not recognize the person.
            His face was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Over all it was the face of a king, His nose perfectly shaped, His brow perfectly arched. His features were strong, yet His mouth was shaped in the most gentle and reassuring smile she would ever see. He looked young, not more than twenty, and yet at the same time inexplicably old, as if He had survived eons of time.
            And His eyes! Crystal stared at them and was quickly lost within. They held a strange mixture of emotions. They sparkled with delight, yet seemed terribly sad. They blazed with wrath—though not directed at her, she could tell—and shone with unconditional love.
            The love was what Crystal felt the most above all else. A love so great, so extreme, so wonderful, she felt it was something so tangible that she could reach out and touch it.
            Then He spoke; and His voice was melodious and calming. Looking into His eyes and listening to His voice, Crystal felt more at peace than she ever had in her entire life. She hardly noticed that the ever-present, throbbing ache in her head had lessened and vanished. Crystal could think only of Him.
            Still, she could not process what He was saying, but that mattered little. Then He stopped speaking, touched His hand to her brow—sending warmth into her body and heart—and smiled. Then her eyes slid shut and she was unaware once again. The darkness did not consume her, however. In fact, there was no darkness, Crystal knew only of His love and light.
            The next time Crystal awoke, there were more familiar faces and they all looked extremely relieved. She struggled to sit up, but Peaches gently pushed her back down.
            “No. Just lie still. You’re still weak.”
            “Wh-who was He?”
            Alex frowned. “Who was who?”
            “He… He was here… And… and He spoke to me… I… I can’t remember what He said…” Crystal was dismayed at how desperate she sounded, but she couldn't help it.
            “Crystal, what are you talking about? There’s been no one here but us.” Alex gestured to Peaches, Honey and some of the others around the bed.
            “But I know I saw Him…” She closed her eyes trying to remember, something, anything.
            “Maybe you just thought you saw something… It’s normal.”
            “No! I saw Him! He was here… Ugh! If I could just remember His face… How could I forget?” Finally she was able to call up His face in her mind’s eye and describe Him for them.
            Alex and Peaches glanced at each other. Peaches spoke slowly. “I think I know who you are talking about… You just described the King. But I wasn’t aware that He was here…”
            Crystal frowned. “King? But I’ve seen Mikhail… And he wouldn’t be here…”
            Honey smiled and put her hand on Crystal’s. “The true King, Crystal. Mikhail’s nothing but a thief and a traitor. He stole Kardrax from Him.”
            “Oh…” But, then why did He… smile at me? He should hate me. I’m one of those who attack His followers. His people. Why?
            Peaches put a hand on Crystal’s arm. “Are you sure you weren’t just dreaming? You were really sick, hallucinations like that are normal…”
            “Yes, I’m sure!” Crystal exclaimed exasperated. “Why would I dream about Him? I’ve never seen Him before!" Crystal shook her head, and then instantly regretted it. Her vision swam and she had to blink several times to clear it.
            Honey noticed and smiled gently. “Maybe you should get a little more rest. Come on, everyone.” She led the others out.
            Crystal watched them go, and then let her head fall fully back on the pillow. She closed her eyes, wondering if she'd dream of the King again.

[The King’s words… “Perfect love casts out fear. Know that you are loved, My child, and do not fear.”

Written... Wow, a long time ago. xD This is a part of one version of a long story I've been working on for years, called the Bridge Chronicles. I would put pieces of it up here, but it's in such a state of progress, I wouldn't want anyone to fall in love with one version only for me to abandon it. This part works as a stand alone, though.
The last few paragraphs were altered because the led to another part of the story that /can't/ stand alone, lol. I just made it so it closed the scene, rather than leave it hanging.
As always,
All praises to the King.]

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[Sample] Into the Light

            Everything hurt so much. When was Damian going to quit? Simone closed her eyes trying welcome the blackness that threatened to consume her. Finally it overwhelmed her and the pain stopped.
            When she reopened her eyes, everything was white and fuzzy and she couldn’t see much. “Wh-where… Am… I?”
            “I’m not sure. I think it’s a limbo of sorts.”
            Is that…? “Wh-who said that?” She turned and looked around, but could still see nothing.
            “Who do you think?” Whoever it was gently put his hands on her shoulders.
            “B-but you…” Tears filled her eyes and spilled over. “You’re dead. We buried you… Please. I’ve been in enough pain. Whoever you are. Don’t toy with me.”
            “I’m not toying. Turn and look, if you don’t believe me, Sima.”
            Simone gasped. “Only one person knows that name…” She turned. “Is it really you, Zeke? How can it be?”
             Zeke smiled and hugged her. “Yes, it is. Though, I don’t know how.”
            She cried into his chest. “I’ve missed you so much! Everything has seemed dull without you. Why did you leave me?”
            “I’ve missed you too. Oh, Sima. I didn’t want to leave you.” He lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “If I could’ve done anything to stay with you, I would have.”
            She looked away and wiped her eyes. “I know, I know. I just…”
            “It’s alright. Come on; let’s go talk for a while until it’s time for you to go back.” Zeke took her hand and led her to patch of grass underneath a tree, the only noticeable landscape in the place.
            “Go back? Can’t I stay here? With you?” She sat next to him and leaned against him with her head on his chest.
            “No, Simone. You can’t stay here. This place isn’t for the living.”
            “Then how am I here?”
            “I’m not sure…” A thoughtful frown crossed his face.
            Simone lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “I don’t want to go back, Zeke. It hurts there. Everything hurts.”
            “You’re needed there, Simone. You can get through the pain to help someone you love.” He smiled and caressed her face. “I’ve seen it myself.”
            She closed her eyes. “But you’re the only one I love.”
            “It’s been three years, Sima. You haven’t moved on yet? There isn’t anyone you care for?”
            She looked away. “I… I… He reminds me of you… But I can’t… It’s not fair to him...”
            “What’s happening there? Right now?”
            Simone spoke quietly into her lap. “I… We tried to escape that place. We got a lot of boats… And supplies… It took months to prepare. And we almost made it, too. Someone betrayed us. Hundreds of kids… We almost had them out of there… I jumped up and tried to release the blockade. But as I did, Damian caught me. He had that electric stick of his and threatened to kill me if any of them left. I told them to go, that it was worth it. He hurt me for every boat that passed through. I tried not to scream… But it hurt so much... I told them to go… But Justin. He wouldn’t leave me. I begged him to go… I… I… Don’t remember any more. I think I blacked out.”
            “See, Sima? You’re needed there. You have to go back to help the rest of them get free.”
            “But it’s safe here! I want to stay here and be with you. I missed you so much…” She put her hand on his face. “And there’s so much pain there.”
            “I want you to stay too. But there’s still much left for you to finish.” Zeke gently moved her hand from his face and looked at it. “Look, you’re starting to go back as it is.”
            She looked at her hand as well. It was fading, becoming transparent and then solid again. Simone held his hand, trying to root herself to this place. “No… I don’t want to go, Zeke. Please don’t make me go.”
            “I don’t have control over that, Sima. Let’s just be thankful we got to spend some time together.” He smiled gently.
            Her eyes filled with tears. The pain was coming back too. “I can go there… and then come back here. It wouldn’t be too hard, I—”
            “No.” His voice was firm. “I want you to live your life. I want you to be happy. Do whatever you need to do in order to be happy.”
            “You. I need you in order to be happy. Without you… Life has just been a haze.” She gestured vaguely in the air. “Going through the motions.”
            Zeke shifted positions so that he was facing her directly and gently took her hands in his. “One more year. I want you to try just one more. Honestly try, with everything you are, to be happy. Understand, Sima? With everything. If the year is up and you are still unhappy, then… Well, then you can come.” He looked into her eyes and could practically see the wheels in her brain turning, looking for some way to twist his words. “But you have to truly try, do you understand? No loop holes. No tricks.”
            She swallowed. “But I…” She stopped and sighed. “If that’s what you truly want… Then I will… I will try… But I doubt that it will do any good…”
            “Maybe not, but as long as you try.” Zeke touched her face again. “You’re fading. It’s time to go back now. I love you, Simone.”
            She tried to hold back the tears. “I love you too, Zeke. So much.”
            He drew her close and kissed her. But even as she kissed him back, she was fading.
            And then she was gone.
            “Find a way to be happy, Sima. Even if that means you don’t come back to me.”

[Ugh, the romance almost sickens me. And I wrote the thing. xD 
Anyway, this was written, I think, two years ago? Almost three. It takes place right after a dream I had. And I have all the back story in my head... And it all makes sense... The problem is trying to get it down on paper...
I am working on it though. Kinda? We'll see.
Fun fact: Sima is an Aramaic name meaning "treasure." Zeke is short for Ezekiel, which has Hebrew roots. That's why he calls Simone, Sima. I picked Sima as a nickname first and then had to find a name that made sense with it as a nickname, but at the same time, not too obvious. :)
Also, this is a working title... Subject to change.
As always,
all praises to the King.]

Monday, May 23, 2011

[Just Musing...] Alignments

Ever taken those personality quizzes on facebook or some other site?

I tend to like those things. Sometimes I get annoyed when the answers obviously fall into one character. That makes it easier for you to answer what you /want/ to be rather than what you are. I tend to prefer the quizzes that make it slightly less obvious. But sometimes, after I've taken the quiz "for myself," I'll re-take a quiz, trying to get all the different outcomes based on the answers. I'll be the first to admit, I'm a strange child.

While taking quizzes one time, I stumbled upon an alignment test. Now, I've never played D&D, but I would like to. And I do role-play from time to time with my friends. (And obviously, I'm a writer). So, this immediately appealed to me and I pretty much just thought it was awesome. Anyway, The first time I took the test, I got Lawful Good. I tried another, similar test and got Neutral Good and have ever since. I mostly agree with it. I'll follow laws and whatnot, but I won't compromise my beliefs for them.

Since the quiz I took was on facebook, I'm not sure how to share that with you, although it was my favorite. So good ol' Google to the rescue! Here are some I took and found to be pretty good. They're a tad long, though I think that makes them more accurate...

Online Alignment Test
What D&D Character Am I? (This has some of the same questions as the previous ones, but set with a more modern theme.)

As always,
All praises to the King!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

[Sample] I Am Challenged

To my King:

I am challenged daily
By friends, strangers, peers, superiors.
Why, they ask, do I
Continue to serve You
When it has brought me
Nothing but pain?

I too struggle.
I too doubt.
How much easier
It would be
To just give up this burden and walk freely!
But would I truly be free?

And what?
How would I live,
How would I survive,
Without Your Shield to protect me
And Your Light to guide me?
Would I not be the same as the rest?
Wandering aimlessly,
In the dark.

Why should I give up
The One who gave me peace?
The One who saved me!
You who gave shelter
To one as common as I.
Lower than common,
I was a slave.
You paid my price.
I was given to my new Master
Like a piece of property.

But then!
There, for all to see,
You removed my chains
And set me free.
But my King,
You did not stop there.
You pulled me into an embrace,
The likes of which,
I have never before felt.

Why then,
Should I give You up?
As heavy as this burden is,
Would it not be ten-fold heavier
Without You?
As heavy as this burden is,
Am I not grateful
For every day,
For every hour, minute, and second
I bear it?

My King,
I will never cease
To serve You
For as long as I live
I am challenged daily.

[Trying to remember when/how I wrote this... I think I started it as an assignment fall of my high school junior year. But I just started with the "To my King" idea. After that... I dunno, it just flowed out. Turned out to be a foreshadowing of sorts in that I had a real time of trail right after I wrote it. x) I've tweaked it here and there just changing a punctuation mark or so. But otherwise, I like it as is.]

Saturday, May 14, 2011

[Review] Dragons: The Essential Ties, Ricardo Chévere

Plot---Borys' parents were mysteriously killed when he was a little boy. He remembers a dragon from that night and, despite what others say, blames it for his parents' deaths. This hate for dragons leads him to seeking out dark magic...

Alanna almost drowns at her father's marina. She lives only because David jumps in the water after her, even though he doesn't know how to swim. Alanna can't understand how she survived, so now she's back in town looking for answers...
[Most of this copied from the back of the book.]

Why I picked it up---My grandmother gave me the book. Apparently it was written by her friend's second cousin's nephew. Or, you know, something like that. Anyway, she saw "dragons" and thought of me. I saw "dragons" and figured I'd like it. I <3 dragons.

What I liked about it---The concept of the plot interested me. And I felt bad for Borys because in the beginning you realize that the dragon is actually good and well yeah. I couldn't wait to get to Alanna's part of the story, for some reason she interested me more.

What I didn't like about it---The writing. I'm sorry, but it was painfully obvious that English was Chévere's second language. It wasn't so horrible that I couldn't understand it or anything. You'd just notice odd syntax and once in a while, and an odd verb tense or something. The story is good... I just can't get past the writing, unfortunately.

Recommendation---Well... Let's just say I couldn't finish reading this one. Which is probably a first. I'm a real stickler on finishing books. I've gotten to chapter 7. I might pick it up later, but I might not. Right now, though, I have other books I would rather move on to that I am fairly sure will be good. This one is going too slow for my taste.
Maybe I will pick it up again on a later date, when I'm in the mood for it.
It's kinda disappointing, I was looking forward to the story.

As always,
All praises to the King.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[Review] The Dead Zone, Stephen King

Plot --- Johnny Smith is a good guy with everything going for him in life. A teaching job he loves and a beautiful girl he loves even more. Then, he gets into a horrible car accident that leaves him in a coma for four and a half years. When he comes out of it, he finds that whenever he touches someone (or in some cases, something) he gets feelings. He knows things he can't know. He sees things he shouldn't see. He can find what once was lost. Soon, he discovers that, perhaps, some things shouldn't be seen and some things are better lost than found...

Why I picked it up --- A while back, I used to watch a show by the same name. Recently, I saw it available on Netflix Instant and have since spent most of my time marathoning through it (Currently on S5:E5 Series completed! Towards the end they took to putting "based on the characters from the novel.").
While watching the opening credits, I saw "based on the novel by Stephen King." Based on the fact that books are always better (with a few exceptions, namely school books that are just too dull to muddle through), I figured I'd try it out. My school library had recently put up a SK display, so I decided to check it out the next time I was there and needed a book (read as: the next day).

What I liked --- The writing style. I love fragments. They. Create. Pace. Plus, it's fun to break all the rules they teach you in English class. I esspecially loved Johnny's visions. I loved the fast pace, the italics, and lack of capitalization. And according to one site, my own writing style is sometimes similar to Stephen's. Go figure. Especially since this is the first SK book I've ever picked up, much less read /brick'd.

What I didn't like --- Most of my dislike for the book can be traced back to my having seen the show first.
For one, I missed Bruce. Although, Sam Weizak sort of filled the comic relief roles near the beginning. Personalities were also different, and of course there were small details changed. I figure that had I read the book first, I'd hate the show. Let's say that the show was based LOOSELY on the book.
It wasn't as surprising or creepy as I was hoping it would be. Again, that's probably due to knowing all the twists and turns of the plot a head of time.
Also, the vulgarity. I don't like cursing in general, but I'll try to ignore it if the good of the book out weighs the bad. As my mom says, eat the chicken, throw out the bone. Of course, in this case it did. Though, a few years earlier, I might have just put down the book. I blame high school.
I was very wary during the (spoiler alert?) one sex scene, but thankfully he didn't go into physical detail and I made it though without incident.
I find it a shame that the only "religious" (pickles, I hate that word) person in the story was a near lunatic and way off base on who/what God is supposed to be. Ah, well.

Overall --- Although I've written more bad than good here, I really did enjoy the book. I just couldn't think of specific good things to write about.

Reccomendation --- [I won't be doing a rating system for these reviews as I am horrible at them (everything would end up being a 1, 5, or 10 and that doesn't really help much). Instead, I'll tell you whether or not I'd reccomend the book and to whom.]
If you're squeamish, then this book might not be for you. It's not graphic or anything, just... unsettling.
But, hey, if you like that feeling as it comes with supsence and whatnot, then go for it!
Same for if you're into the occult (visions and the like).
However, parts of the book get a bit slow and if you're not really interested in the story, you may be tempted to put it down.
The rest is worth reading if you can muddle through the slower parts.

As always,
All praises to the King!

[That is, to Jesus, if you forgot. Notice I avoided referring to Stephen by his last name alone...]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

[Sample] To The Newest Erikson

Aiden sighed. Here we go again. This was, what? His sixth foster home? Ever since his parents died three years ago, he’d been in the system. He couldn’t seem to stay in one place for long, which was odd, because it wasn’t like he was a bad kid. It wasn’t really something he could explain.
Aiden sat outside Ellen’s office while he waited for the foster parents to sign all the paper work. What were their names again? Mark and Juliet Harrison? Something like that. Ellen had told him that morning, he just wasn’t really listening.
Aiden glanced down at his backpack. It held everything he owned, besides his clothes. He didn’t really need to keep much. An mp3 player, a portable game console, a few books. He didn’t need much else to keep him entertained. His clothes were in a suitcase or two. The better foster parents would get him more if he needed.
Aiden had just begun to reach for his bag to get the mp3 player, when the door to the office opened. As the couple walked out, the woman, about thirty and shorter than Aiden, smiled and asked Aiden if he was ready to go. Aiden just shrugged, grabbed his backpack, and stood. The foster parents—he really would have to learn their names soon—led him to the car, which already held his suitcases.
The drive home was spent in silence, except for the music on the radio. Aiden was thankful that they didn’t pester him with those loathsome, albeit well- intended, questions. What are your interests? Do you play sports? What do you like to eat? These, of course, would have to be answered eventually. It just always felt strange to Aiden to answer them in a string right off the bat. And since, with the music, the silence wasn’t uncomfortable, Aiden just read or looked out the window.
As they pulled up the house, Aiden took in the details. Two stories. He guessed two or three kids would be able to have their own rooms. Well kept lawn. So, these people weren’t lazy, or else they had the money to hire someone to keep it nice. A lack of toys on the grass assured him that younger children didn’t have the run of the place. The inside was nice. Clean, but not so clean that you worried about touching anything. It was quiet. Then Aiden remembered that school was still in session in this county and any other kids would still be in school at this time of day. He’d gotten out of school a week before in his last home. At least he’d get an extra week or two of summer.
The parents led him up the stairs and stopped at the first door on the right. The man, a little older than the woman and about Aiden’s height, pointed across the hall, saying that it led to the bathroom that Aiden would share with three others.
“But we’ll save the rest of the tour until after you’ve settled in.” He opened the door to what was now Aiden’s room.
The first thing that met his eyes was white. A lot of white. The walls were completely blank and whatever flooring was there previously had been ripped up to reveal the concrete underneath. The furniture was sparse. A simple desk and dresser along one wall. A medium-sized bed in one corner. And finally the closet and windows on the opposite walls.
As he set his bag by the door, Aiden muttered, “This is it?” He’d seen worse, of course. But judging by the car, house, and neighborhood, he’d been hoping they’d spring for a little more… well, more.
They didn’t seem offended by the comment. “Don’t worry it’s only temporary. Once you decide how you want your room, we will get you something more suitable.”
Aiden wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, but he didn’t ask. When he said nothing, the couple excused themselves and said that they’d be downstairs if he needed anything. As soon as they had left, he closed the door and threw himself on the bed with a sigh. He folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, taking a moment to unwind and piece together the events of the day.
When he opened his eyes, they traveled about the room taking in the detail… or lack there of. Presently, they landed on the single spot of color in the room: something taped to the ceiling above Aiden’s bed. Curious, he stood and reached for it, his fingers just brushing the edge. He settled back down into a sitting position, leaning his back against the wall, and turned the object over in his hands. It was a multicolored envelope addressed to The Newest Erikson.
Aiden snorted. The writer obviously meant him, but he fully intended to keep his birth parents’ name, Callahan, thank-you-very-much. His mild irritation didn’t prevent him from opening the rather thick envelope, however. He withdrew a several paged letter as well as several photographs. He laid the pictures aside and began reading.
Dear ______________,
I hope you weren’t blinded too badly by all the white. I told Lia that we should have used an off-white, but she insisted that it’s all part of the experience.
See, Lia and Mac (that’s what we call Julia and Matthew) do things a little differently.
I don’t know about you, but I had been through a few homes before I come here. The first few weeks were always really awkward until the family and I had normal things to talk about.
Aiden nodded to himself. He understood what that felt like. It was part of the reason he was glad the car ride was mostly quiet.
Well, they have a system here to try to make the transition a little easier, since most of us are middle school age or older.
Good. Aiden was starting to get tired of houses full of little kids.
The first month or so that you spend here will be designing your room. You have almost complete free reign. There’s only a few things they’ll object to. For example, I turned this very room into a rainforest, complete with trees, plants, sky, and even a few animals (it took a while to get them right.) We took some pictures before we went over it with white. I also included the pics of Stephen’s (the boy before me) room.
Aiden stopped reading and picked up the pictures. His eyes widened in amazement. Every inch of the walls were covered. Even the ceiling was painted. Aiden was beginning to get excited in spite of himself. He picked up the letter again, turning to the next page.
One point of it all is to give you something to talk about with the rest of the family. But the real point is to give you a few things you don’t usually get in the system—something to call your own and the sense of permanence.
So, seriously, go to town on your room. But definitely take time to think about it.
Aiden’s mind was already spinning with ideas, but he pushed them away for the moment, because there was still more to read.
So, now for the boring stuff: house rules. Everyone has them. Here, there aren’t many besides the standard ones (no drugs, try in school, etc.). Tone of voice is everything here. They like to be sarcastic and joke around. So, have fun, but watch your tone. Say what you will, but say it with respect. You can argue decisions and make your point without getting in trouble as long as you do it with respect. Simple enough, I hope.
The other thing I might tell you about is church. They aren’t gonna force it on you, or beat you over the head with it. They’ll ask that you give it chance. Go for a month or two maybe, ya know?
Aiden was lying on his back at this point, holding the letter over his head to read. He’d been to church before and didn’t really have anything against it; he just found it incredibly boring. Well… some of the stories were interesting and the little kids’ service seemed fun way back when.
And moving on! Next door to your room is Bethany. She’s nice, quiet, shy. But, reach out a little and she’ll be your best friend. I think she’ll be in seventh grade next year.
Down the hall and to the left is the twins' room. Well, we call them twins. Jordan and John spend all of their time together playing videogames, creating stuff, running around, and creating general havoc. They’re gonna be freshman in the coming year, but you’d think they were still in second grade.
Zane’s room is downstairs. He’s actually Mac and Lia’s. Surprisingly cool for having his house invaded by strangers. But as I understand it, he pretty much grew up with this set up, so you’d think after seventeen years, he’d be used to it. He’s graduating next year, so even if he is a pain, you won’t have to deal with him for long.
Lia and Mac are downstairs too, in the back, behind the kitchen. So stay quiet when you get your midnight snacks, haha.
Okay, a little about me and then I’ll let you tend to those plans that I know are so desperately piling up in your head.
I’m Lily. I graduated this year after spending most of my high school years with the Eriksons. I’m so grateful I got put here. I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth. Life here can be fun, if you let it. I wish you luck and hope you enjoy your time here.
If you need anything, I’m sure Lia can give you my information if you want it. Good luck again. Sincerely,
Lilly Erikson.
Wow was all that Aiden could think. The family sounded different, but interesting. Matthew and Julia, or Mac and Lia, sounded like people he could get along with. Maybe even relate to. Aiden looked around the room one more time, mentally painting the walls in his mind. He still wasn’t sure what design he would go with yet, but he sure couldn’t wait to figure it out. Aiden smiled for the first time since the Eriksons picked him up. He could get used to living with this family.

[I couldn't really think of anything else to use this for, so I might as well post some of my writings.
This one is kind of based on how I might imagine my life to be like later.
Er, let me explain.
I've toyed with the idea of starting a foster home, should my husband be willing. My mom has always been different. She relates to kids and kids relate to her. My friends are always telling me how they wish she was their mom. I also tend to attract kids who don't have the greatest home life in the first place. More than once, I've wished they could come live with us and be done with it.
I figured maybe, just maybe, I could actually help out some kids who need it.
So I got to thinking about it one day, and this system is more or less what I came up with. Who knows if it would actually work, but eh. There's the back story behind this one. :)]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Um, Yeah.

So I had an idea for this before, but now after going through the whole process of creating and customizing the blog, I kinda forgot.

It was something to do with how I always wanted to blog, but I couldn't figure out what to blog about. Well, I still don't have anything to blog about, but here goes nothing.

Maybe rants? I don't know... I had a few ones, but I don't feel like it right now.

Who knows how much I'll actually update this.

Hey, I figured out what I want to use this blog for. :) Yay. Here goes nothing.