Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[Review] The Dead Zone, Stephen King

Plot --- Johnny Smith is a good guy with everything going for him in life. A teaching job he loves and a beautiful girl he loves even more. Then, he gets into a horrible car accident that leaves him in a coma for four and a half years. When he comes out of it, he finds that whenever he touches someone (or in some cases, something) he gets feelings. He knows things he can't know. He sees things he shouldn't see. He can find what once was lost. Soon, he discovers that, perhaps, some things shouldn't be seen and some things are better lost than found...

Why I picked it up --- A while back, I used to watch a show by the same name. Recently, I saw it available on Netflix Instant and have since spent most of my time marathoning through it (Currently on S5:E5 Series completed! Towards the end they took to putting "based on the characters from the novel.").
While watching the opening credits, I saw "based on the novel by Stephen King." Based on the fact that books are always better (with a few exceptions, namely school books that are just too dull to muddle through), I figured I'd try it out. My school library had recently put up a SK display, so I decided to check it out the next time I was there and needed a book (read as: the next day).

What I liked --- The writing style. I love fragments. They. Create. Pace. Plus, it's fun to break all the rules they teach you in English class. I esspecially loved Johnny's visions. I loved the fast pace, the italics, and lack of capitalization. And according to one site, my own writing style is sometimes similar to Stephen's. Go figure. Especially since this is the first SK book I've ever picked up, much less read /brick'd.

What I didn't like --- Most of my dislike for the book can be traced back to my having seen the show first.
For one, I missed Bruce. Although, Sam Weizak sort of filled the comic relief roles near the beginning. Personalities were also different, and of course there were small details changed. I figure that had I read the book first, I'd hate the show. Let's say that the show was based LOOSELY on the book.
It wasn't as surprising or creepy as I was hoping it would be. Again, that's probably due to knowing all the twists and turns of the plot a head of time.
Also, the vulgarity. I don't like cursing in general, but I'll try to ignore it if the good of the book out weighs the bad. As my mom says, eat the chicken, throw out the bone. Of course, in this case it did. Though, a few years earlier, I might have just put down the book. I blame high school.
I was very wary during the (spoiler alert?) one sex scene, but thankfully he didn't go into physical detail and I made it though without incident.
I find it a shame that the only "religious" (pickles, I hate that word) person in the story was a near lunatic and way off base on who/what God is supposed to be. Ah, well.

Overall --- Although I've written more bad than good here, I really did enjoy the book. I just couldn't think of specific good things to write about.

Reccomendation --- [I won't be doing a rating system for these reviews as I am horrible at them (everything would end up being a 1, 5, or 10 and that doesn't really help much). Instead, I'll tell you whether or not I'd reccomend the book and to whom.]
If you're squeamish, then this book might not be for you. It's not graphic or anything, just... unsettling.
But, hey, if you like that feeling as it comes with supsence and whatnot, then go for it!
Same for if you're into the occult (visions and the like).
However, parts of the book get a bit slow and if you're not really interested in the story, you may be tempted to put it down.
The rest is worth reading if you can muddle through the slower parts.

As always,
All praises to the King!

[That is, to Jesus, if you forgot. Notice I avoided referring to Stephen by his last name alone...]

1 comment:

  1. I love Stephen King, although his books do tend to present the Christians as lunatics. The thing with Stephen King is you read it with your spiritual guard up, and the language is always just barely tolerable, but the stories and writing are awesome!


Comments and critiques are always welcome. I do ask that you try to keep it PG. Personally, I don't like cursing much. Any comment with too much profanity may be taken down.