Thursday, May 19, 2011

[Sample] I Am Challenged

To my King:

I am challenged daily
By friends, strangers, peers, superiors.
Why, they ask, do I
Continue to serve You
When it has brought me
Nothing but pain?

I too struggle.
I too doubt.
How much easier
It would be
To just give up this burden and walk freely!
But would I truly be free?

And what?
How would I live,
How would I survive,
Without Your Shield to protect me
And Your Light to guide me?
Would I not be the same as the rest?
Wandering aimlessly,
In the dark.

Why should I give up
The One who gave me peace?
The One who saved me!
You who gave shelter
To one as common as I.
Lower than common,
I was a slave.
You paid my price.
I was given to my new Master
Like a piece of property.

But then!
There, for all to see,
You removed my chains
And set me free.
But my King,
You did not stop there.
You pulled me into an embrace,
The likes of which,
I have never before felt.

Why then,
Should I give You up?
As heavy as this burden is,
Would it not be ten-fold heavier
Without You?
As heavy as this burden is,
Am I not grateful
For every day,
For every hour, minute, and second
I bear it?

My King,
I will never cease
To serve You
For as long as I live
I am challenged daily.

[Trying to remember when/how I wrote this... I think I started it as an assignment fall of my high school junior year. But I just started with the "To my King" idea. After that... I dunno, it just flowed out. Turned out to be a foreshadowing of sorts in that I had a real time of trail right after I wrote it. x) I've tweaked it here and there just changing a punctuation mark or so. But otherwise, I like it as is.]

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